Using ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis Tool for Keyword Research
ChatGPT has endless possibilities for digital marketing. In the SEO realm, it can assist you in a lot of tasks to boost your strategies. In this guide, we’ll show you how to leverage ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis plugin for SEO keyword research.

Christy Cañete
Updated October 9, 2023

visualize data using ChatGPT
Reading Time: 8 minutes
ChatGPT is getting a lot of attention in the digital marketing scene. Even though it’s relatively new, it can already do tons of things to catapult your SEO efforts.
What excites me the most is its seamless integration with third-party plugins.
In this guide, we’re going to focus on using the Advanced Data Analysis tool. With it, you simply have to upload your data, get insights from ChatGPT, and integrate those into your SEO strategies.
So, keep reading to learn how to prompt ChatGPT for keyword research. You’ll also learn how to activate the Advanced Data Analysis plugin and generate insights based on keyword metrics.

How to Use Google Search Console & ChatGPT for Data-Driven SEO Keyword Ideas
Accessing Advanced Data Analysis on ChatGPT
ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis is only available on ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise. If you want to leverage these advanced features, then consider getting a premium plan.
To get started, log in to your ChatGPT account. Click on your profile at the bottom left of the page and select ‘Settings & Beta.’
On the pop-up window, choose ‘Beta Features’ and activate ‘Advanced Data Analysis.’ You can also enable the ‘Plugins’ option to explore third-party plugins. Close the window once you’re done.

Next, click on the GPT-4 tab and choose ‘Advanced Data Analysis.’

You should now see the ‘plus’ button added to the chat box. This will allow you to attach any files and ask ChatGPT to churn out insights from it.
Now, you’re all set for the next steps.
Case 1: Targeting High-Volume, Low-Competition Related Terms
High-volume, low-competition keywords are crucial in SEO. Digital marketing is already too crowded, and standing out from the intense competition gets tough.
But, if you find the right keywords that attract more traffic with less competition, then you’re in luck. It means your content gets seen by many without having to fight hard for attention.
Now, you can leverage ChatGPT to help you find these high-volume, low-competition keywords.
Here’s how we do it.
First, let’s download the analytics report from Google Search Console. Here, you’re going to receive a zip file with info like demographics, pages, and search queries.
In ChatGPT, click the ‘plus’ button on the left. Then, upload the file containing your site’s query report. Don't worry, ChatGPT can interpret columns and headers on your file. It can also read most file formats like CSV.

For our purposes, we’re going to upload Gold Penguin’s queries report and prompt ChatGPT to generate insights.
Now, we’re going to type a message and describe what we want from the data.
It might take a few tries to get the perfect answer, so play around with your prompts until you get what you're looking for.
I recommend you use the prompt below as a starting point:
Uploaded is a query report that generates impressions about my site in Google organic search results. I want you to identify any high-volume related terms with low organic competition that we might have missed.
Here are the results:

Once you’ve entered the prompt, ChatGPT will start generating insights based on your input. It will also walk you through the process to achieve the results. This ensures that the AI understands the task. And if it’s out of sync, you can just tweak or reiterate your prompt until you get the right response.
Here's what I got. ChatGPT first showcased the top 5 high-volume, low-competition keywords for our site.

Next up was a bar chart highlighting the top 20 terms from the high-impression searches that fit our criteria. Here's what that looked like:

Depending on what insights you want to get, you can also ask ChatGPT to create scatter plots and bar graphs for the CTR and average position of high-impression queries.
Case 2: Finding Keyword Gaps
Finding keyword gaps helps us attract a segment of the audience that others haven't reached. This not only drives more traffic to our website but also increases our chances of converting visitors into customers.
Now, let’s try to upload the CSV containing the query report once more.
Then, enter the following prompt:
Uploaded is a query report that generates impressions about my site in Google organic search results. I want you to identify any keyword gaps that we can use to increase our market share.
Here are the results provided by ChatGPT:

First, it identified queries with high impressions but low clicks by using the top 20% of the impressions.
Next, it identified queries where our site appears in the top 10 positions but still has a relatively low click-through rate (CTR < 2%).
Finally, ChatGPT identified keywords that have a high number of impressions but appear in lower positions (e.g., positions 11-20).
Case 3: Categorizing Keywords Based on Search Intent
When we understand our readers' needs, we can give them the right content. This is the power of search intent - it keeps our content relevant and our SEO efforts more effective.
Aligning our keywords with search intent also reduces bounce rates. That means users are less likely to leave quickly if they find what they want on our page.
There are four different types of search intent, and these are:
- Commercial intent: The searcher is ready to purchase, join, or subscribe to a service or product.
- Transactional intent: The searcher can be both interested in buying or learning more about a product or service.
- Navigational intent: The searcher already knows what they want. For instance, they are searching for a specific brand. All you need to do is provide them with what they want.
- Informational intent: The searcher is looking for answers. These searches often start with words like what, where, who, why, and how.
Now, let’s try to ask ChatGPT to categorize our keywords. Once again, upload the query report on the chat box.
Then, enter the following prompt:
Uploaded is a query report that generates impressions about my site in Google organic search results. I want you to categorize the attached keywords based on their search intent - commercial, transactional, navigational, or informational.
Unfortunately, ChatGPT wasn’t able to categorize all the keywords. Some search queries are simply too broad or generic that they don't clearly indicate a specific intent. In our example, most of the queries were labeled as uncategorized.
I’ve also asked ChatGPT to provide a bar graph of the number of queries for each search intent category. Here’s the result:

Case 4: Finding Pages that Rank
Another important strategy to boost your SEO is knowing which pages rank well, even if they aren't perfectly optimized. This simply means that the content is resonating with your audience. With some tweaks and targeted keyword optimization, you can push the rankings of these pages even higher.
To identify these pages, we’ll need to upload two files in the chat box - the page and query reports.
Then, we’re going to enter the following prompt:
Uploaded are the page and query reports that provide comprehensive details of our site’s overall performance. I want you to identify which pages rank well for us but don't have the keywords that align perfectly with.
Here’s the result from ChatGPT.
First, it identified the pages that rank within the top 10 positions. In this case, there were a total of 536 pages.
Then, I asked ChatGPT to show the top 10 results on a table.

Now, we can use these results to optimize our pages.
Tip: ChatGPT might sometimes truncate the URLs for brevity. If you need the full URLs, specify this in your prompt. And, always cross-check the table to ensure that there’s no mismatch between the intent of the queries and the content of the pages.
How to Download Results from ChatGPT
Once ChatGPT finishes running the analysis, you can ask it to export the results to a CSV file. It will then generate a link where you can download the file.
For our purposes, I’ve asked ChatGPT to export the results containing the keyword gaps we can add to increase our site’s market share.
ChatGPT responded with a link to download the file, as shown below:

Wrapping It Up
SEO keyword research used to mean pouring over data for hours. But now, with ChatGPT, you can get the work done in literally seconds.
But does it mean we can totally ditch our old methods?
For me, it’s both a yes and a no. ChatGPT is awesome for quick keyword ideation. But it doesn't replace the in-depth, real-world data we get from traditional tools. Metrics like search volume and difficulty scores still matter.
Hence, combining ChatGPT with the depth of traditional tools seems like the best bet.
So, what are your thoughts on this? We’d love to hear about your ChatGPT experiences in the comments below.
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