Get Featured Image from WordPress when using Zapier

Struggling to fetch the direct URL of your WordPress post's featured image when using Zapier? Discover a simple workaround using Webhooks by Zapier, ensuring seamless automation in your workflows until an official solution emerges.

Justin Gluska

Updated August 13, 2023

WordPress, Custom Request, to LinkedIn Update Flow

WordPress, Custom Request, to LinkedIn Update Flow

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When automating workflows with Zapier and WordPress, a common hiccup is the inability to directly fetch the URL of the post's featured image. If you're among those trying to get a direct link to the featured image from a WordPress post in Zapier, you've likely noticed the issue.

If you want to automate your WordPress to LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, or other social media platforms, you'll have to grab the image this way before doing so. Until Zapier officially supports this feature, we have a handy workaround for you using the Webhooks by Zapier action.

Pull Featured WordPress Image on Zapier

1. Setup your WordPress Trigger

Start by setting up the trigger for your WordPress site. This usually involves selecting the “New Post” or any relevant trigger you need.

2. Add a Custom Request in Webhooks by Zapier Action

After setting up your WordPress trigger:

  • Click on "+ Add a Step" in your Zap.
  • Search for and select "Webhooks by Zapier."
  • Choose the "Custom Request" action event.

3. Configure the Custom Request

In the Custom Request configuration:

  • Set the Method to GET.
  • In the URL field, select the “Links Wp Featuredmedia Href” from your WordPress trigger. This is the link that points to the featured media of the post but may contain extra parameters.

4. Test the Webhooks by Zapier Action

After configuring, run a test for this action.

  • Once the test completes, you should see the direct URL to the image in the “guid rendered” field.

5. Use the Featured Image in Subsequent Actions

Now that you have the direct link to the featured image:

  • You can utilize this in any subsequent steps. For instance, if you're automating a post to Pinterest, you can select the “guid rendered” field to populate the image field in the Pinterest action. We use it for LinkedIn

While it might feel like a detour, this workaround effectively addresses the missing direct link issue in the WordPress-Zapier integration. Until an official update is rolled out by Zapier, these steps will ensure your automated tasks run smoothly. If you found this helpful or have any additional questions, drop a comment! Happy automating! 😊

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Written by Justin Gluska

Justin is the founder of Gold Penguin, a business technology blog that helps people start, grow, and scale their business using AI. The world is changing and he believes it's best to make use of the new technology that is starting to change the world. If it can help you make more money or save you time, he'll write about it!

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