GPTZero Launches New UI and Shareable Link Feature
GPTZero just launched their website’s new user interface along with a new shareable link feature to allow sharing of a writing report and help thoroughly assess the written work.

Andy Hoo
Updated August 8, 2023

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Reading Time: 2 minutes
GPTZero has recently launched their new user interface along with the new shareable link feature to improve their generative AI services.
After redesigning their website, GPTZero’s new user interface became more user-friendly, easily accessible, and visually appealing.
Consequently, it has a clean and sleek theme where accessing their products and services is made easy with a simple scroll.
Users can immediately see their new releases, recently launched products, and everything about their brand comfortably.
The website also emphasizes bringing “transparency to humans navigating a world filled with AI-generated content,” and GPTZero being the “gold standard” in AI detection.
Users can now quickly paste written texts to detect AI generated contents with ease and there is also an “Upload file” option for digital documents to be checked.
In addition, they also announced their new 'Shareable Link Feature' available through Origin, which allows a writing report to be shared with others — showing the students’ direct involvement and customization of their work.
With GPTZero’s ‘Writing Report’ it allows users to see behind the scenes of a google document, including the writing statistics, AI scans, and the video of a user’s writing process.
According to GPTZero, any writing report generated by a student can now be shared, even to teachers. Furthermore, teachers will be able to ask their students to produce a writing report of their assignments or tasks, and ask them to send a shareable link to show how they wrote it.
The new feature to be released is under development and can currently be tested using their Beta Tester.
GPTZero’s new user interface definitely made their user experience much easier. The new shareable link feature is also an interesting take on thoroughly checking outputs – giving educators an edge in making sure that their student’s submissions are authentic and free from AI generated contents.
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