CodeWP Review: The AI-Powered WordPress Code Generator

CodeWP is an AI-powered WordPress code generator that can quickly and accurately generate code for WordPress plugins, custom post types, taxonomies, and ACF, among many other things. This is the first AI tool that is extremely powerful in the WordPress niche.

Justin Gluska

Updated October 9, 2024

a cute robot coding in a matrix-style living room in his house in the middle of a reykavik winter

a cute robot coding in a matrix-style living room in his house in the middle of a reykavik winter

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Ever spent hours browsing through StackOverflow posts older than yourself trying to find the right bit of code to use on your WordPress website?

With CodeWP, you can say goodbye to complex searches and sifting through code that will only get you halfway there (and after you've nearly punched a hole in your monitor).

This revolutionary WordPress tool will help WordPress creators generate quick snippets of customized WordPress code, chat with it, and manage entire projects within seconds.

Simply ask the tool to generate code based on a sentence (or paragraph), wait a few seconds, then add it directly to wherever you need it on your site.

It's like Santa, but instead of gifts you get customized WordPress code... sort of.

What Can CodeWP Do?

The tool is trained specifically on many presets that you might find yourself using on a daily basis. It can create even complex logic very quickly, saving you time + money to develop snippets and finish your code. I've written full WordPress plugins with its assistance.

It's like StackOverflow + ChatGPT while being tailored to WordPress. CodeWP currently offers support for these modes:

  • WordPress
  • WooCommerce (PRO)
  • ACF (PRO)
  • Gravity Forms (PRO)
  • Carbon Fields
  • WPSimplePay (PRO)
  • Paid Memberships Pro (PRO)
  • SearchWP (PRO)
  • Bricks Builder (PRO)
  • Breakdance (PRO)
  • Oxygen Builder (PRO)
  • Easy Digital Downloads (PRO)
  • WS Form
  • FacetWP (PRO)
  • Contact Form 7

*PRO denotes a paid membership which starts at $18/month if paid annually.

CodeWP is currently available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, French, Italian, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, and Japanese. With advanced AI and ML capabilities, CodeWP will undoubtably change the future of WordPress php and snippet development.

How Does it Work?

You can start by signing up for a free account which gives you access to the general WordPress modes you'll probably be working with.

If you click on any of these modes you'll enter the generation mode

The generator/editor page gives you access to a chat bot (that kind of works like ChatGPT except it's interactive with your page).

You can ask it a question and see the code get written out right in front of you. The cool part is if you want something changed, just tell it exactly what part and wait. Almost everything you ask will get completed in just a few seconds.

I went ahead and asked it to replace the login image. I was specific and gave as many details as possible to tailor the request properly. And... it worked.

You can star (save), copy, or download the code outright. If you choose to download it, you'll get the name of the package file (in this case, index.php).

You can create projects and package these files together to develop an entire plugin or edit anything you want within the actual editor. If you have questions type them in the chat and you'll get to speak with your very own interactive assistant that is basically looking over your code/project.

You can also track usage, view tutorials, or request support on the main application screen. Verified snippets are available to the public for free (and you can view your own on its very own page).

You could also check out their blog which mostly contains updates and fixes. While the tool has been around for a little over a year now, they just came out with version 2.0 (which is like the first edition on steroids). It's so much more powerful and integrated with the entirety of your WordPress environment.

Everything gets saved, you can ask it ultimately anything WordPress related, and it's extremely easy to use.

The biggest support has to be their Facebook community of talented developers & other notable people in the WP community. They discuss a lot of prompt engineering questions & also like to talk about any bugs they find.

Meet The CodeWP Founder

We interviewed James LePage, the founder of CodeWP, and a great friend of mine, to hear his thoughts on the future of the product. This video took place before the update but it's still really insightful to hear everything James spoke about:

How To Use CodeWP + Examples

Generating WordPress PHP

Example: Query all posts published by the user with the name of justin. Only show 8 posts.

It retrieves and displays all published posts authored by users with the name "Justin" in a WordPress environment. For each post, it outputs the post's title and content. If no posts are found, it displays a message stating "No posts found."

Generating ACF Code

Example: Have a checkbox option on all posts to be true or false called "Show Ads" which run a snippet of code when checked (which hides ads)

This code creates a custom field 'Show Ads' checkbox on all posts using the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin in WordPress. If the checkbox is selected, it executes code to hide any elements with the class 'ad' when the post is displayed, effectively hiding ads on that particular post.

Generating WooCommerce Code

Example: Add a custom note to the WooCommerce checkout page displaying on the weekends saying "We are closed on the weekend. Orders will be fulfilled the next business day"

This code adds a custom notice to the WooCommerce checkout page on weekends. It uses the 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form' action hook to display a message.

Breakdance Builder Design

Example: Generate 3 rows in Breakdance and a column with "Left" and "Right" text in the last section

This PHP script creates a class called BreakdanceGenerator, which has methods to generate HTML for rows and columns styled for the Breakdance CSS framework. It generates three rows, and in the third row, it generates two columns with the text "Left" and "Right" respectively.

WooCommerce SQL Queries

Example: You have a database with the following relevant tables:

  1. wp_posts: Contains general information about posts, including products. The ID column is the primary key.
  2. wp_postmeta: Stores metadata for posts. The post_id column relates to the ID in the wp_posts table, and the meta_key column indicates the type of metadata.

Write an SQL query to retrieve the names and prices of all products listed on the WooCommerce website. The product names are stored as post titles, and the product prices are stored in the wp_postmeta table with a meta_key of "_price".

This did a little bit more than just write the query, but you can mix and match what you're looking for.

Another example: Write me a WordPress SQL query to change the post status of all posts with the category "News" to "Draft."

Again, here you'd probably just take the actual SQL query but you have a bunch of code included with the result:

And on top of these examples... there's really just much more. If you can do it manually, there's a very high likelihood you could speed it up using CodeWP.

How Much Does It Cost?

CodeWP just came out with v2.0 so they're currently running a special: use code NEWCODEWP for 33% off your first billing cycle.

Pricing starts at $28/month if you're paying by the month or $18/month if paid yearly. You can also upgrade to the agency plan starting at $68/month which includes unlimited actions instead of 10,000 and support for up to 3 team members with unlimited projects.

You Have to Try It (No Questions Asked)

So, is this the end of WordPress developers?

No... not yet. It's exactly what happened with ChatGPT but in the WordPress niche.

The barrier between junior and senior level developers is going to widen. Developers that are good are going to become great if they integrate this within their lifestyle.

We'll never replace developers fully. Prompt engineering + powerful dev skills will make it harder for mediocre developers to get through.

Even though some generations might take a few tries to hit and I sometimes run into a buggy interface, CodeWP is an extremely powerful tool to help WordPress creators create custom code quickly, accurately, and is extremely cost-effective.

I'm very excited to see what this AI-powered WordPress tool can do for the future of WordPress users around the world. I've personally used this on this very exact website as well as tons of my other sites.

Congrats to the team on their new launch and can't wait to see how the tool develops with time!

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Written by Justin Gluska

Justin is the founder of Gold Penguin, a business technology blog that helps people start, grow, and scale their business using AI. The world is changing and he believes it's best to make use of the new technology that is starting to change the world. If it can help you make more money or save you time, he'll write about it!

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