August 25, 2022

Add a Favicon to a Breakdance Builder Website

If you're looking at developing a high-quality website for your business, then you should be looking into adding a favicon....
lady typing on her laptop breakdance builder

August 24, 2022

Customize Blog Post Template in Breakdance Builder

If you want to customize the look and feel of your blog posts in Breakdance you can create a custom...
website search bar digital art

August 23, 2022

Create Search Bar & Template in Oxygen

Oxygen Builder comes with a built-in search form widget that you can use to add a search bar that can...
slack webhook breakdance

August 22, 2022

Send Contact Form to Slack with Breakdance Builder

If you're using Breakdance, you can send your contact forms to a specific Slack channel which can be useful if...

August 19, 2022

Add Custom CSS to Breakdance Builder

Adding CSS to your site is a great way to customize and control the look and feel of your web...

August 18, 2022

Insert a Video using Breakdance Builder in WordPress

Adding a video to your WordPress site with Breakdance is easy and the builder gives you a lot of control...

August 17, 2022

Create a Newsletter Popup in Breakdance Builder

Creating a website popup is an essential part of any email marketing strategy as they can help you convert your...

August 16, 2022

How to Easily Migrate a Breakdance Website with Duplicator

Migrating a WordPress website can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. By using a plugin like...

August 15, 2022

Client Content Edit Access in Breakdance Builder

Assign a user role with certain permissions with WordPress in Breakdance so you can allow clients to edit page content...